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"The former owner of this mansion, Ishmael Hepple, had purchased and renovated the mansion as a wedding gift to his bride, Ruth. Ishmael was an explorer, spending most of his time searching for the fabled treasure of Ulgratha. The treasure, a bronze idol, was said to be evil and that whomever disturbs the treasure shall be forever cursed. Returning home for his wedding with treasure in-hand, Ishmael unleashed the curse that still looms over the mansion today. It is said that Ishmael Hepple was heard running and screaming through the home the night of his wedding, never to be seen or heard from again. All things in the mansion are now under the spell of the curse, but two residents are searching for the cure. The wizard in the library and the quirky scientist that runs the laboratory still have hope to find the answer. Will there ever be a way to lift the curse? Only Ishmael Hepple knows, and his spirit is trapped within the walls of the mansion forever!"